But saying that doesn’t mean it’s going to be cheap or easy.
Far from it. It’s cost us years and years of our lives to find success
and we will never be able to give that away for free. It wouldn't be
fair to us or our families, if you see what we mean.
You might ask us the question:
“how much do you want me to spend then?”
We're going to turn that question around.
How much do you think we spent to learn what we did?
You should know it was a lot (and that's a big understatement, lol!).
So to sum it all up, we have these goals because we
really care about people (and you).
I know how I felt being alone in this for so long
and not having anyone to help me.
I got taken advantage of more times then I care to share with you.
Ultimately we want our life to have meaning and we find this meaning
in helping you find success.
But we’re not here to help those who are not willing to work
or those who are not willing to step out on faith (especially when they don't see
it all coming together right away). And we're definitely not here to help those
who are lazy and want it all for nothing.
And it's important to realize that you will need to mean business
because like we said, it won’t be easy.
There are real skills to be learned and they take real time to learn them.
And eventually there are real tools you’re going to need
(even if you won’t need them now or even in six months) and they will cost money
(no we’re not taking about anything outrageous). But we’re not talking $10 either.
Actually, our program is very affordable.
But if you think that paying $12 for example, and working a little
here and there will give you massive success, then I'm here
to help you understand that this is not reality. On the flip side,
there are some people who have gone a LONG WAY on $12 a month!
So how much are you really going to need? Good question!
But I don't actually have the answer to that. I guess a real vague
answer would be however much it costs you to really master these skills.
Honestly we just went from point A to point B.
And if something cost more money than we had, we just saved up for it.
And that's the point of all this - are you one of those people who would do that?
To Elizabeta and I, the price we placed on the ability to
take our business anywhere in the world, work for ourselves, have
the freedom to take charge of our day, earn consistent monthly
residual income, team overrides, and high ticket commisions on a monthly
basis was worth a lot of pain, money and tears.
The reality is that no matter what program you join with us, we will
be here to personally help you!
But also please come to terms with the idea that
honestly, you will get what you pay for and that’s the truth.
We don’t care if you don’t have a dime right now.
All we care about is that you have the desire bad enough
to do what it takes.
We honestly look forward with all our heart to help you
and do what no one did for us - and help you along 1:1 in real life.
So if by this point we woke you up and you realize you’re
just in this for instant success, then here’s your opportunity to go find
one of those fake “done for you systems” that never work.
Those programs will never really teach you anything real with them anyway.
They will just fill up your time and keep you occupied
“spinning your wheels”.
And maybe honestly you just want things to stay the same
or have something fun to do. And if that’s where you're at, we get it.
And if your one of those that just join us because they want to test us out,
and not because they want to change their lives, then this is most likely
what’s going to happen:
You’ll join our basic program and pay $12 and then advertise it like crazy for 3 months.
But because you’re not really in this with all your heart, you’ll ignore what
we say about really going seriously through the training.
And so you’ll either do it half heartedly and stop half way through, or not do it all.
Then when you realize that you have no one joining you and paying you,
even after all the thousands of hits you got, you’ll quit.
And it’s really so sad to see this because honestly it had nothing to do with the advertising.
It had everything to do with the lack of skills learned.
True, you don’t know us very well and it’s hard to trust others - especially these days.
But we ask you - is taking the time to learn real marketing skills
(even if it just in your spare time) really going to hurt you?
So it you’re one of those people who will really dig into this,
really learn the skills and do everything we say even with or without
immediate results, then keep reading.
If you’re one of those who won’t be happy sitting still,
who won’t settle for anything less than something amazing happening in your life
and who has the persistence to go after your dreams,
than, Elizabeta and I want to help you,
My good friend told me this one time and it's true: "If you believe you can
then you can. And if you believe you can't then its also true."
So are you the type that believes you can and works to achieve it?
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